Often the best personal finance options adjust to your specific needs. If you spend too much, a spending tracker is useful. If you’re a saver, a retirement app is a good fit.Sometimes the applicability of a particular finance tool can be even more precise — as is the case with Veteran.com. The military-focused website provides a wide array of resources for both current military members and veterans.Along with blogs and resources on education, jobs, and housing, the popular site has an entire section dedicated to money and finance. This includes military pay charts, an updated military pay calculator, and even a VA Disability calculator.As veterans and active members of the armed forces navigate their personal finances, the site can provide a steady stream of useful information.Managing to save money is one of the most common personal struggles at any time. Trying to do so when inflation rates are high can feel impossible. The temptation to spend money on needs and wants alike can be hard to overcome. Empty bank accounts and crowded credit card statements can leave you feeling stressed.Enter Acorns. The financial technology company enables users to invest seamlessly in their future. Its online app and banking tools are user-friendly, keeping things simple and straightforward at every step. At the same time, they’re backed by experts from major investment firms like BlackRock and Vanguard.The revolutionary lender offers different tools to help individuals dominate their finances and build toward a better future. One of these tools is the company’s automatic savings and investment option. This rounds up each transaction that takes place, putting the extra money into well-balanced, expert-built portfolios. As a result, the result is better financial awareness and a slow-but-steady trickle into your savings.
U.S. ready to help Mexico finance solar plans, Lopez Obrador says
MEXICO CITY, Dec 20 (Reuters) - The United States is offering to help Mexico with loans to finance planned solar power stations in the northern state...