These loans are fast and easy to secure, and all the funds will arrive to your checking account within one business day of submitting the required documents. All Upgrade personal loans have an origination fee of up to 8%, which is deducted directly from your loan proceeds so if you know you’ll need $1,000, you should account for the origination fee and apply for a loan amount closer to $1,080.
Upgrade doesn’t have any repayment penalties, but it does have a late fee: if you pay late or miss a payment, you could be hit with a $10 late fee if your payment is not received in full within 15 calendar days of the due date.
And, like most of the other lenders on this list, Upgrade personal loans start at just $1,000, but qualified applicants can apply for as much as $50,000. Upgrade loans come with repayment terms of 24 to 84 months.