There are plenty of people who have had great success buying stocks and holding them for 40, 50, or 60 years. But cryptocurrency doesn’t have that same track record; it simply hasn’t been around long enough. Digital coins have only been circulating for a little over a decade, and that alone makes cryptocurrency a bit speculative as a long-term investment. This isn’t to say that you can’t treat it as one, but it’s a good idea to decide what approach you’ll take to crypto before you buy it.
Though cryptocurrency seems to be 2021’s hottest investment, that doesn’t automatically make it right for you. Don’t succumb to peer pressure; instead, take your time. Figure out if there are more suitable ways to invest your money in the coming year.
There are hundreds of platforms around the world that are waiting to give you access to thousands of cryptocurrencies. And to find the one that’s right for you, you’ll need to decide what features matter most to you.