When you refinance a car loan for a better interest rate, you don’t expect to end up with two car loans. But that’s what happened to Jennifer Higgins.
Frustrated and staring at a credit report that showed two car loans, she turned to Better Call Behnken for help.
“This is a very big company, a very well known company,” Higgins said. “I feel like they should do better than this.”
Higgins’ problem started when she bought a 2020 Ford Escape and financed the loan through Chase Bank. She quickly refinanced through another lender a month later. That lender supplied documentation showing it paid off Higgins’ loan with Chase.
At first, it seemed all was fine. Higgins received a letter from Chase congratulating her on paying off her loan. But then came another letter threatening to repossess her car for nonpayment.
“Oh, it’s made me sick,” she said. “I’ve been dealing with this since November. I’ve made multiple calls between iLending and Chase and I got a hold of a supervisor for iLending. She’s also called Chase and we’re just getting the runaround.”
Higgins said the first check Chase received wasn’t deposited so iLending sent another one, and then sent proof it was cashed by Chase.
“It needs to be investigated. I mean $24,000 is a large amount of money to just lose,” she said.
Investigator Shannon Behnken reached out to Chase and was promised a review of the situation. The next day, Higgins said she received a call with an apology, and the loan was wiped away.
“I’m still not sure why this happened, but I’m so thankful I don’t have to worry about this anymore.
Better Call Behnken followed up about Higgins’ credit, too, and part of the credit report has been fixed. A spokesperson for Chase said it sometimes takes time for the credit report to fully reflect the update, so we will stay on this to make sure Higgins is not harmed by this error.