You may have heard that the best way to earn as many credit card rewards as possible is to have six or seven credit cards in your purse or wallet at any given time. But that’s a daunting task. Most people don’t want to carry around a stack of credit cards, along with having to constantly remember which card to use at any given store.
But what if we told you that all you really need to earn all the travel points and miles you’ll ever need are three credit cards? And that all together, these three credit cards can cost you as little as $95 a year in annual fees?
We’re talking about the “Chase trifecta.” All three of these credit cards earn points in the Chase Ultimate Rewards points program, which is one of the best rewards programs around. Even better, Chase allows you to pool your points together across all of your Ultimate Rewards credit cards, so even though you’re earning points on three different cards, all your points can go into one big pot.
Intrigued? Let’s dive into each of these cards, as well as the Chase Ultimate Rewards program itself, and see how you can quickly earn a ton of points that can get you off and running toward that much-needed next vacation.