Dossett is not alone. Student loan borrowers can get student loan forgiveness even after being denied. There are many ways to get student loan forgiveness, particularly for student loan borrowers with a permanent disability, student loan borrowers pursuing public service loan forgiveness and student loan borrowers who were misled by their college or university.
To help more student loan borrowers get student loan forgiveness, the Biden administration has made major changes to public service loan forgiveness. This has enabled student loan borrowers to apply again, even after getting rejected for student loan forgiveness based on prior student loan payments that previously weren’t eligible. These major changes include:
First, this limited waiver is only for student loan borrowers who are applying for public service loan forgiveness. Second, this student loan forgiveness is not wide-scale student loan forgiveness. Rather, it’s targeted student loan forgiveness. Third, the main proposal for student loan forgiveness in Congress would limit student loan forgiveness only for federal student loan borrowers who earn up to $125,000 per year.
Yes, it’s possible to get student loan forgiveness even if you were rejected. Submit the limited waiver. If you don’t qualify now, don’t worry. There are other opportunities for student loan repayment. Here are some popular ways to save money and pay off student loans faster:
The HKYFA is spearheaded by Dr. Calvin Choi, the Lead Promoter and Founding Chairman, who is also Chairman of AMTD Group, Vice Chairman of the China Youth Entrepreneurs Association and Lead Chairman of the Hong Kong Youth Association. The joint promoters include Hong Kong Youth Association, Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurs Association (GBYEA), Deloitte China, 36Kr, Zebras, Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong, FinStep Asia, and the Regional Banks + Strategic Cooperation Alliance.