NORTH WALES — A tax increase in 2022 is now official, as North Wales Borough prepares to head into the new year.
Borough council voted unanimously Tuesday night to adopt the town’s 2022 tax millage ordinance, and tackled several other end-of-year housekeeping items.
“In your packet and on the screen is the ordinance, which was advertised appropriately, and is now ready to be codified and acted on,” said borough Manager Christine Hart.
“And that is the six-mill taxes, a 0.499 increase, and the breakdown which is in the center of the ordinance,” she said.
With Tuesday night’s vote, the previous 5.501 millage in the 2021 budget will now increase to 6.0 mills in 2022, and of that total the borough’s general fund millage, debt service, and fire service millage would increase, while millage allocations for streetlights, highway aid and library funds would remain the same.
Council then tackled several more year-end items, including a certification of a list of qualified emergency response volunteers eligible for a borough earned income tax credit.