Welcome back to Rule Breaker Investing. If you are in the United States of America or if you care about us, happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans. We will be sharing some thanks a little bit this week. It’s not front and center. It’s not themed, but you know what? It will be in December because last year I had fun opening up December with my Gratitude 2020 episode. I thought there are some new and unique things to give thanks for in 2021 and so in mid-December we’ll do Gratitude 2021. That will be full of thanks and thanksgiving but in the meantime, I hope your week, fellow Americans, is replete with thanks and thanksgiving. Gratitude is good for all of us, it’s as good for the giver as it is for the recipient, always worth keeping in mind. I do want to express gratitude for the month that was. We had three podcasts in November of 2021 proceeding this mailbag. The first was “Real Estate Investing” with Matt Argersinger, a topic we don’t touch on very often, which is why in part I think it touched off a bunch of notes and we’ll take some of the most relevant ones and Matt will be joining me in a little while to speak right back to you and your questions, fellow Fools, about real estate investing. We had two other podcasts this month. The first was “Stock Stories Volume 6.” We talked about Chipotle, Rollins, Stitch Fix, Zillow, and Nvidia.